Helping you find the right words

Struggling to find the right words?

Need to add some flair to your writing?

Are you staring at a blank page?

Or perhaps you’ve already got your text ready but you don’t like it?


It’s frustrating to not be able to get your message across or to lose potential clients because of a typo or spelling mistake.

Let us help you with

Editing & Proofreading

Spruce up your writing

Your text is ready but that’s not how you wanted to sound. Or perhaps you simply need a second pair of eyes to spot those typos and spelling mistakes. We’ll help re-work your text, spruce it up or check for errors.


Put into words what you want to say

We’ll help you create text for your website, blog, brochure, presentation, whatever it is you need written, from scratch.


Make you sound like the professional you are

Perhaps you’ve already jotted something down or made notes about your ideas but it isn’t quite the finished text. We help you identify what works and what doesn’t in your writing to put together text with punch.

Meet the Editor

Hello. I’m Veronica Stivala, a former Culture Editor at The Sunday Times of Malta, and Encore magazine. I love words and delight in getting the message across in as few words as possible.

I’m a stickler for detail, with a penchant for puns and catchy comments. I’m also a good listener, which is important when you want me to understand what you want to say.


MSc in Comparative Literature

University of Edinburgh

Winner Malta Journalism Award

In recognition of ethical and positive disability


University of Wittenborg


Żigużajg Children’s Festival


Let’s chat



We’ll make you sound better, so you won’t ever be misunderstood.